Sunday, September 16, 2007

7 Simple Steps To Profit Without Your Own Product

7 Simple Steps To Profit Without Your Own Product
by: Clifford Mee
Copyright 2004 Clifford Mee

Most people do not succeed on the internet because they are selling products no one desperately wants.

If you want to be truly successful sell only things that people really really really want to buy!

Sounds simple? It is.

You only need to find out what people desperately want and then give it to them.

Unfortunately most people online (and offline) are ignoring this basic fundamental law to sales success.

So without further ado, just follow this 7 step system to profits even if haven't made a dime online yet....

1. Go to Ebay's 'Hot Item Forum' and find out what products and services are selling well.

2. Find a local wholesaler who sells the products or services that are selling well on Ebay who doesn't already sell on Ebay (most won't be)

3. Ask them, "If I was able to move X amount of units of your product, what percentage of your profits would you share with me?"

4. If they are interested and are willing to give you a decent share of their profits, get them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Joint Venture Contract. They are both simple documents that you can find and download from the Internet.

5. Arrange shipping with the company. Ask them to dropship the products to the people who have purchased from you on Ebay. (If they won't do this get them to ship pallets of the product to you for you to do the shipping.)

6. Get them to provide you with a complete list of their in-stock inventory. You'll then be in a position to offer related products to any ebay customers who purchase from you as extra backend sales. Just make sure you agree a good profit percentage on each backend product with the company.

7. Advertise the products on Ebay and rake in the cash. If you are a complete Ebay newbie or you have very limited time, go to the 'Easy Trading Assistant' homepage to do the selling for you if necessary.

This is a proven, simple, elegant formula for anybody with a few spare hours a month to make good profits online. It requires zero technical knowledge and even a complete newbie can get started immediately.

It only requires some surfing of Ebay & the Internet followed by a few phonecalls to some wholesalers. The rest is child's play. In fact you can even use the Ebay Trading Assistant to do the selling for you. (They would take a small cut of course).

Remember on Ebay the shipping cost is a standard extra that the bidder pays, so you should have no problem negotiating with the wholesaler a fair price to do the shipping for you.

The most important factor to increasing your income is to launch what I call your own little 'oil wells' which bring you in cash like clockwork. The above system shows you how easy this is to do.

A fantastic resource for this simple system is available at

About the author:
Clifford Mee is an author, internet marketer, hypnotist and success life coach. If you want to discover little known 'battle tested' strategies to persuade more customers to spend more money more frequently, then please visit his main website at

Saturday, September 15, 2007

6 steps to Adsense Domination

6 steps to Adsense Domination
by: Keith Baxter

When you make your living online, you realize the need for multiple streams of income.

One of the easiest and most lucrative ways to generate a secondary income, which also happens to be passive, is via Google’s Adsense program.

I’m sure you’ve read the claims of a few individuals generating five figure monthly incomes from Adsense. For many of you, I’m sure you are wondering why you aren’t making this same income yourself.

Well, wonder no more. If you follow my simple six step system, you will be well on your way to healthy Adsense profits within three months.

Are you ready? It’s now time to pay attention.

Step 1 – Preparation.

The key to making money with Adsense is all about numbers. BIG numbers!

Sure, there are a few people making serious money with less than ten sites, but these are the exception.

Your goal will be twenty-four sites in three months. That’s just TWO sites per week!

In order to accomplish this, I recommend one of the many available page generation tools available today.

Step 2 – Determine Your Markets.

In order to maximize Adsense income with only twenty-four sites, you must know which markets are paying well.

To break this down even further, you need to know which keywords within those markets are paying the most.

Step 3 – Register you domains.

Once you’ve identified and chosen your markets, you must register domains appropriate to those markets. For example, if your market is ‘Cabbage Patch Dolls’, a domain such as would be appropriate.

Step 4 – Create your site.

Using your favorite page generation software and keyword list, it’s time to develop your site. There are several key points to bear in mind when you develop these specifically for Adsense.

1. Format – Always use the large 336x280 large rectangle.
2. Border – Match the same color as your background.
3. Background color - Border – Match the same color as your background.
4. Link = "0000CC"
5. Color_url = "999999"
6. Color_text = "333333"
7. Position – Far left or center and just above the page fold (Top 25% of site)

Step 5 – Verify and track your site

Visit your site and make sure all links work and that the sites appear to your satisfaction. You should also check out the ads Google is displaying. Are they targeted to your primary high paying keyword? If not, recreate your site using your high paying keyword in a higher density throughout your site.

Make sure you track your Adsense format, position, and traffic with a tracking system specifically designed for Adsense. Once you know your stats, you can adjust for maximum clickthroughs and higher revenues.

Step 6 – Get your site listed in the search engines.

This is simple… no tricks involved. Simply rent links to your site. A PR7 or PR8 link will do the job.

While I’ve simplified the process here, you are now armed with enough information and resources to make some serious money with Adsense.

About the author:
This article has been authored by Keith Baxter, the founder of
If you want to maximize your Adsense income and learn how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website from the search engines, visit the site now. Only 203 spots are available at the special low introductory rate.